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Six years in the U.S. Navy gave Albert Diaz a lifetime of experiences, knowledge, and friendships from coast to coast. It was a demanding time for him and his family.

When he transitioned to civilian life, he wanted more of the same.

That’s why Albert, using his post-9/11 G.I. Bill, enrolled with Oregon State University Ecampus to pursue a post-baccalaureate degree online in computer science. It’s a considerable workload for a father of three and husband who works as a radiological analyst in the Bay Area.

How does he manage it all? Here’s his story and advice for military families:

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“We would take turns of who was taking care of the kids, who was doing the homework. She graduated (in 2016) and has been a great help now as I’m finishing my program.”


“Working full time and taking classes is difficult, but the organizational skills, discipline, and time-management skills I learned in the military are very helpful. The military instilled a grit in me that has helped me push forward.”


“The instructors go far beyond what you would expect. They’re really involved and care about our education, and when they’re willing to put in the work, it helps me want to put in the work.”


“My advice to active duty military or veterans who are considering pursuing a degree is do it. It may look intimidating, but it’s definitely worth the time and effort. There’s a strong military community at Oregon State.”

Learn more about Oregon State degrees online at

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